About Us
Our Story

JoeMax Tomlin

Austin Anglea

Joe Tiner

Vicki Daniel

Ron Stegenga

Yvan Randria

Eva Flores
Did You Know
Ground breaking for construction of the THL facility was in October 2010. It took 7-months to complete the project, and $13 million (including land, building and equipment).
Formerly “Midwest Texas Healthcare Linen Service” as a subsidiary of Hendrick, the business name changed to “Texas Healthcare Linen” upon inception at the new facility, a name chosen by the owners.
In order to get started at the new building, we closed at the old Pine Street plant on Friday afternoon, moved all the equipment, files, etc over the weekend in box trucks, and started business at the new plant Monday!
We started operating out of the new facility on May 24th, 2011. With the upgraded, automated equipment and air conditioning, the 48,000 sq-ft facility was very different from the old Pine Street facility, which was a 14,000 sq ft metal “barn” with no A/C, no Etech, only 1 in/1 out shipping dock, and only one 6-mod tunnel washer!
We started with 57 fulltime employees – Now more than 80!
Our biggest year of growth was in 2012 when we added 2.6 million lbs, a 38% increase from the prior year due to the addition of owner-hospitals MCH and MMH in mid-2011 and SACMC and ARMC in mid-2012.
Foussard Montague Associates was hired by the Board in July 2013 to provide management services. FMA manages 10 total commercial healthcare laundries across the nation (including THL).
That same month we began the Reclaim program, reclaiming an average of $35,000 per month from ragout through a 3rd more rigorous wash cycle called the reclaim wash!
October 2013 was our 1st profitable month – a landmark event, but the only profitable month of that year.
Achieved TRSA’s Hygienically Clean certification in June 2015, verifying our compliance with proper laundry operations and quality wash processes to ensure hospitals are provided with hygienically clean linen!
Achieved TRSA’s Clean Green certification in September 2015, rewarding our sustainability and conservation efforts which include water and energy efficiency along with reusing, reclaiming and recycling our resources.
October 2015, we shipped 1,016,896 pounds, our first month ever to break the 1,000,000-lbs
Our 5th full year, 2016, was our 1st profitable year, and the first year to have 12 consecutive profitable months.
Shannon Health System was added as a Member/Owner 12/1/21, marking the first new owner since the founding 3, HMC, MCH and MMH, started the company. This transaction also brought additional volume of 2 million pounds and locked down the San Angelo market!
THL has experienced 103% growth (based on pounds shipped) between 2011 and 2021!
2019 was our highest volume year yet with 14,124,727 pounds, while 2017 was our first year of 12 consecutive months of 1,000,000 pounds or more. With the addition of Shannon, 2022 is projected to be more than 15 mil!
THL’s largest customer is University Medical Center in Lubbock, responsible for 3.2 million pounds annually.
Safety record for days without an OSHA recordable accident: 572 days set between 2/24/16 – 9/8/17. The record for days without a lost time accident is 1,476 (4+ years!) and was set between 1/27/15 – 2/11/19.
Average weekly PPOH in 2021 was 128 2011’s 110! That means 9,000 more/day in the same time!
Our transportation team drives 2,000+ miles/day, a testament to the size of our service area.